
Maximizing your investments and return in agriculture

So many people look at agriculture as financial backup or a retirement plan. Planting, harvesting and having profits are every farmer’s dream. Have you ever taken a loan or your life’s savings to invest in a project and it fails??

 So many factors affect the result of your production. Some are environmental such as climate, soil and water while other factors are based on anthropogenic activities such as site selection, seed choice and fertilizer choice. 

Chicks in Box
Chicks in box

Agriculture is a sustainable and highly profitable sector. You can become financially buoyant with a single production cycle as well as can you can become broke with one production cycle.

So how do you gain financial buoyancy with agriculture?

As a young graduate from the university, excited about starting my own farm and making money with respect to what I study in the classroom, I told my parents not to bother about masters but instead give me the money to start up my own farm.

I hurriedly started poultry for quick returns. after a couple of months, I sold the chickens. Excited, I started the next batch but half way in, I needed funds to complete the second production. so, I borrowed money to complete that batch. After selling this batch I was unable to start the 3rd batch.

 Now that’s me, a graduate, no hopes of doing masters and no funds to run a farm. At this point, I realized a lot is involved in handling any agricultural project and not just the basic knowledge we gain from the 4 walls of a classroom

poultry farm 2018
poultry farm 2018

We rush into investing in agriculture without taking into consideration a lot of factors which are mainly the result of the choices we make when starting the production cycle

Why did I fail??

After my failed venture which left my parents disappointed, I set on a journey to evaluate my project, identify my errors and correct them. I realized my first mistake was, I was relying strictly on what I learnt in school and read from the net without seeking guidance from professionals who have been practicing the art. I didn’t do a proper market analysis and my timing was wrong. This was all because I believed I could do it on my own.

poultry farm; December 2019
poultry farm; December 2019

Giving up was not an option for me and I was optimistic on getting better results. I started by reaching out to professionals to mentor me on the dos and don’ts of poultry farming.

I now lead a team of experts, who are passionate about helping investors, farmers, and other stake holders involved in agriculture from making the same mistakes I did.

Leaving us a message is the first step I your journey to maximizing your investment and return on agriculture

Send a message to get more details on how to boast your production and maximizing your profits

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